10 Life Hacks to organise a busy life!


So many people tell me that they don't have time and ask how I manage to live a (mostly) healthy and active life despite my busy schedule.

I thought that I would share a few hacks!


1. Batch cooking all the way – I batch cook on a Sunday afternoon and this is a time that is in the diary as not available, unless it’s a wedding or funeral or something similar of course. Every item I have prepared goes on to the whiteboard that I have on my fridge – and what container I have placed it in. Saves so much time in the morning when you are trying to get lunches sorted. (As long as we can all read my handwriting!) AND you only really have to clean the kitchen once - I make so much mess when I cook, but not so much when I re-heat.

2. I also meal plan, which seems like a waste of time to begin with, but once you have a few meal plans going, it’s just a matter of choosing which week you want and voila – it’s all planned for you.

3. I shop according to my meal plan – fewer impulse buys that way (unless Hubbie comes with me!)

4. I have a pretty tidy life – I don’t put things down – I put them away – in their rightful place, the first time! Less time looking for lost items

5. I also pre-cut all my veggies etc on that Sunday afternoon and store them in see-through (glass all the way for me) containers – that way, no messy chopping of veg when you skid through the door late at night – it’s just a matter of throwing them in the steamer whilst my meat dish is heating up. Similarly, all my pantry items are stored in glass, no rummaging through paper or plastic bags.

6. I keep on top of my cleaning – even if its spot cleaning my floor or wiping down the kitchen cupboards – I often do this when I am on the phone!


7. I keep my cupboards neat and put clothes away where they belong – this may seem a no-brainer, but it just makes sense and its amazing how much time one wastes shuffling clothes from washing basket to table to cupboards etc.

8. Fold straight from the line into a wash basket – buy an extra one if need be: Fold socks as well and hang all hangables on clothes hangers directly onto the line – this hack literally halves your ironing as well and it is so much easier to put clothes away

9. Get the family involved – everyone can put away their own clothes, Put a squeegee in the shower and last one has to squeegee the shower down – less mould and everyone is happy to not be last! So shower time becomes less of a drama.


10. Have an organised linen cupboard – pack the quilt-cover sets and pillowcase/s in one of the matching pillows – no more scrounging around for that odd sheet or pillow case. Roll you towels - easier to see exactly what is there – I store soap cakes in between my linen – makes it smell good and those cakes of soap last longer and don’t get as gooey

So there you have it - why not make life easier? You are worth it!

Alexandra :)


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