How To Not Only Survive, But Thrive This Silly Season



This time of the year:

  • We tend to eat too much

  • Stress too much

  • Spend too much

When it would be best if we rested and recuperated a bit more

Here are my top 12 tips on how to thrive and still enjoy this season:

It can really be a very magical time of the year .


1. Water: Our bodies are made up of over 50% water and when that level starts to drop, it all goes to hell in a handbasket! From increased muscle and joint pain, to headaches, to lower moods, and even extra weight gain. Best way to dehydrate yourself?

1.1 Of course it’s not drinking enough pure water to begin with. Many teas, coffee and flavoured drinks are more dehydrating than the water they contain. You do not need hydration formulae, sports drinks, or even smart water (smart of the manufacturers as they make a motza with this stuff). Just plain water. And get your minerals from the moderate use of Celtic or Himalayan salt and just fresh fruit and veggies.

1.2 Alcohol will dry you out faster than you can say “Father Christmas”. The rule of thumb here is always 1 water to 1 alcoholic drink - and start with water – that way you aren’t drinking that first drink too fast because you are thirsty. Sparkling water in a fancy glass with a strawberry or lime wedge adds a sense of occasion. I tend to add bitters ( I use the Angostura Brand) which are a great liver support and will add a nice dash of colour to the water. Very posh indeed.

1.3 Too much sun: No brainer, but has to be mentioned.

1.4 Too much salty food: I am not talking the salt I previously mentioned here. I am taking about that processed crud that contains all the nasties that your body has to then try and excrete – with added water.

1.5 Too much coffee: 2 -3 cups per day MAX and for every coffee, have a glass of water first. While coffee with a meal isn’t a bad thing, and I have extolled its virtue many times before (it is Arabian herbal tea after all!), it is also a diuretic as are many herbal teas.

1.6 Too much physical activity in the heat: If you want to spend the summer days outdoors, whether it be in your garden, going for a walk, or even at the beach, remember the rule: For every hour of exercise, an extra litre of water.

1.7 . Here is a cool way to calculate how much water you need in a day: Bodyweight in kgs x2.2 divided by 2 multiplied by 35. Clear as mud! Here is an example: I am 69 kg: 69 x2.2 ➗2 x35 = 2.3L/Day is how much water I require at rest - if I exercise, I have to add more.

2. Sleep:Our brain is the quintessential super computer – it needs to reboot just as our computers do, to eliminate junk and excess files! We all know what happens when our computers don’t get rebooted! And our “computer” can only do this when it is shut down ~ aka in deep sleep. This is why sleep deprivation has been used for millennia as a form of torture.. It makes us a little crazy as we all need to “delete junk files”


3. Sunshine: What can I say? Sunny rays have been called beneficials or “ bennys” for a reason ~ they not only provide us with that wonderful super vitamin D, but also send a message to your brain that its time to set your body and brain up for the day – via the pineal gland that sits in our brain just behind our forehead. It is stimulated by blue – (as in morning) light and calmed down by red light as in the sunset. Oftentimes, problems with insomnia are caused by too much blue light after midday. If you are having trouble sleeping, try and put blue light filters on your devices etc. And actually getting out at sunset may also help.

4. You don’t have to be everything: This is one I struggle with – but it is actually OK to say “No”. Whether it is to that family party that you would rather avoid, to not organising the office Christmas bash for once. It’s quite empowering how this will make you feel!

5. Avoid the junk: And boyoboy, how much junk is around at this time of year? Am I saying have nothing? Absolutely NOT! But be aware that you don’t to have eat every last Marzipan slice on the platter. Make up your mind BEFORE you go to that party that you will try and eat something reasonably healthy first before you hit the sweets. Starting with a bite of protein – ham or turkey are ideal, is a great way to put a curb on your hunger hormones. Also, alcohol is basically junk – and don’t we love it? As mentioned above, try and have water first and water in between. It can be sparking water – add a slice of lemon and your liver will appreciate it even more. And your head the next day.

6. Avoid the sugar: See point number 5! The trick here is to eat your protein first – if you think that you may not be able to manage this depending on the circumstances, carry some nuts, peanuts or even cheese with you to munch on as you are driving there!


7. Exercise as able – Christmas is a challenging time in most places of the globe, with some of us too hot and some too cold. Walking is lovely in the forest in winter, so for our Northern Hemisphere friends, this is really what I recommend – even a sauna and ice plunge if you are able! In Australia, its slightly more challenging – with temperatures already souring to the 40 C, there is no real option for walks in our forests. But that doesn’t give us an excuse to become couch potatoes – because we have the beach, and many of us swimming pools. Its actually a lot of fun doing a few aqua aerobics in the pool- just a few squats per day and even walking up and down the pool can be beneficial. There are also many free yoga apps that show you how to do some simple moves in your home. If you want to go to the gym etc, that’s fabulous! And get out of an evening or morning when it is cooler and have a stroll with the family. You can reset that pineal gland at sunset at the same time.


8. Don’t over commit ~ money or time: The pressure to spend has already started – now we have “Black Friday” sales! We often are pressured into buying more and doing more, just to be the best mum, dad, husband, wife, friend etc But by spreading yourself too thin, either financially, or time-wise - you are doing yourself and all your loved ones a disservice as you cannot be truly present for anybody. At this time of year, you have to look after YOU more than ever.

9. Gratitude: We are so busy at this time of the year worrying about the things we need to do or “get”, we often forget about the things that we already have – take a moment every day being grateful for your life – even if its sitting on the toilet whilst you do it. This help release feel-good hormones called endorphins in your body. A great way to start a day.

10. Volunteer if lonely: Many people do it tough at Christmas – they have very little family and friends and seeing all those images of people sharing laughter and love can be a bit tough. If this is you – consider volunteering at a shelter – animal or human, or even a nursing home if the rules allow. So many charities are screaming out for help. This can help your loneliness and improve your self-esteem. Who knows, you may love it so much, that you keep it up into the New Year?

11. Pamper: Massage, haircut, nails….. A bit glum? Go pamper yourself – get some colour in your hair, or on your nails. Get a massage – you are worth it.

12. Listen to your body: REALLY listen to what it is trying to tell you… Take a break if you are tired, stay at home if you are overwhelmed. Really try and hear what clues it is trying to tell you and act on them accordingly.



I always say that families are like fruit cake: most sweet and delicious, but bound to contain some nuts! And remember some people loathe fruit cake altogether.

Here is a blog that I wrote some time ago about how to handle those nuts in the fruit cake! Check it out for a few simple tips.

So there. you have it, above enjoy this time, see it as an opportunity to regroup and refresh

Wishing you all a very blessed and Merry Christmas

~ Alexandra ~


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